Sunday, August 20, 2006

Time grows near...

3 weeks to go...
School ? check !
Apartment ? check !
Plane ticket ? check !
Visa ? on it...
Suitcase ? check !
Laptop ? check !
List of things I need to take ? still not done...
Dentist ? postponing as much as I can...

Three weeks can seem like a lot for some things, but it's way to little time for others. Ive been trying to squeeze in all the "home experience" I can. Trying to enjoy the little moments, to spend quality time with as many of my friends as possible. I've never been away for that long, but I know it's the small things that get to you. I really wish I could spend more time with certain people, but you do what you can with what you have to work with. And you know what ? It still hasn't hit me. I don't know if it's all the other stuff I've had to deal with, family, work and airline morons, or what, but I'm still not buying that I'm about to leave. I still see at as an abstract future... "someday I'll be in France. " Denial ? Who knows? I'm just waiting for the feeling of ice water down my back.

PS. you can believe in me


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