Tuesday, February 14, 2006

42,000 voices ...

Ok, so it took me a while to post, but cut me some slack, I'm a busy guy. U2, what can I say ? I had mixed emotions about the experience... don't get me wrong, the whole thing was amazing, but I guess my expectations where a bit higher. Mostly I think my complaints (well, other than the fact that they started kind of late and the mike sound wasn't so good at first) are with the band. There was almost no public interaction. Bono was cool, he danced around, he took two girls on stage, he wore a sombrero and everything. He didn't talk a whole lot, but I guess the man doesn't speak a lot of spanish. The Edge walked around a bit and I do mean "a bit." And that's it ! The other two guys (I told you I wasn't a fan, I don't have a clue what their names are) barely moved at all ! No facial expression, no joy to play whatsoever ! Maybe they're just used to soldl out arenas every single place they go to, I don't know, but it would've been a lot cooler if it even seemed they were enjoying themselves.
Other than that, incredible. The music, the lights, the screens, all awesome. I count myself as a guy who doesn't know the lyrics to the songs but knows the chorus to all the big ones. And there were 42,000 other guys and girls like me out there. The sound of practically every soul in that sold out place singing, shouting "in the naaaame of looove" is just... I can't describe it. And I jumped, and I screamed, and I waved my hands like you can only do at a concert like this. And I had a blast. The whole "big concert" experience finally came to my boring town, and I went through the whole thing. And yesterday, the day after, all you could hear were stories about the concert. Which, now that I think about it, is kind of lame haha but still. Monterrey rocked, and I was there.
Now let's see if I can get some Rolling Stones tickets :D


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